
One of the Happiest Days of my Life

March 16, 2021


When I decided to open a laundromat, I had no idea how much work it was going to require. I bought a pre-existing location so how hard could it be? Well, the previous owners rented their equipment so when they left, the equipment left as well and I had a vacant, dirty, debris filled facility that didn’t even look like a laundromat anymore. Still, I saw it’s potential. And it was still one of the happiest days of my life when I got the keys to my new business.

The second happiest day was watching my new machines come off of the delivery truck. These weren’t rental machines. They were brand new washers and dryers, and they were mine! Seeing them in place, all shiny and new filled my heart with pride.

The next step was picking out a new floor. I went through quite a few before making my final choice. I think I made the right selection. After that was the color palette. I knew what colors that I wanted but picking out the actual colors was tricky. Who knew there were so many different shades of blue, yellow, and green?

Besides the washers and dryers there were other machines to install. The ATM and the bill breaker came in and I knew these would be important for the customer’s convenience so those were a must. The final touch was stocking up on the products that I was going to sell over the counter. I had to think of everything my customers might need as well as a variety to choose from.

I kept the customer in mind at every step of the decision-making process and I think they will be pleased with the final outcome. I know that I am. Fresh and Clean Laundry is clean, new and built with love. 

Dryers Stacked

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